Friday, February 19, 2010

Reece's 100th Day of School

At the end of January Reece's class celebrated their 100th day of school. They were told to dress up like a 100-year-old person. I think he looked absolutely adorable, cutest old man I've ever seen!!
He told me he wanted to wear a tie, because old people wear ties to work. He also said he wanted to wear brown dress pants with white shoes because that is what his Papau Joe always wears. hahaha!! Papau Joe is 84 so pretty close to 100!

He said he was yelling at some kids in this picture! He is my little ham!!


  1. haha! I love it! What a character...and a cute one at that!

  2. I can't get over how funny this is! He's such a riot and looks so cute!! We had a great time visiting with you guys this afternoon!

  3. He's so stinkin cute!! Griffin actually has a hat like that and likes to wear ties...I figure soon enough he'll hate them! LOL! But I love how Reece added the white shoes and facial expressions definitely looks like a little old man! LOL! Sounds like you guys have been making the most of the weather too! Hang in there...i saw a fly this morning so Spring must be around the corner!!

  4. Hilarious!! I love it :) He looks adorable.
