Monday, August 17, 2009

Time For School!

Today was the day........first day back to school. AJ got up on his own at 6am this morning. I think he is really looking forward to the 4th grade! HOWEVER, Reece struggled to get up (like always). He did finally get out of bed at 7am, ate a bowl of cereal and then laid on the couch until it was time to brush teeth and get dressed.

AJ kept telling Reece to hurry up and get dressed, hurry up and put your shoes on, hurry up and get your backpack. So, I was glad for that, he is excited.

We walked in to North, AJ went straight to his classroom, Mrs. Smith, didn't really tell me bye, just went right in. Reece was walking behind me down the hallway, we walked in to Mrs. Lannan's room, he seemed fine, THEN the tears started!!! NO, NOT AGAIN THIS YEAR!! He did this a lot last year but I chalked it up to being in school full day for Kindergarten, a lot of adjustments. Even though last year he had Jessie Davis (our cousin) he still had tears from time to time.

Well, before I left his classroom his tears slowed down a bit. It is SO hard to leave your child when he is crying. But, he is in 1st grade now so really the crying should stop!! I was trying to be stern with him, telling him that he is big now, in the 1st grade and that he really shouldn't be crying. Deep down I just wanted to cry and take him home with me!!! I know I can't do that.

Boy, talk about having 2 different boys! At least they both aren't mommy's boys!!! Now I just can't wait to pick them up at 3 and see how their day was!

I can't believe the boys are in 1st grade and 4th grade! I REALLY want things to slow down so I still have my little boys!!! They are growing up to be such handsome and kind boys! When we went in to school today AJ opened the door for a little girl, I really thought that was sweet. He is a little gentleman (plus she was cute!)
Hope everyone has a great day at school!! Hopefully Reece has no tears tomorrow!


  1. Oh no, poor Reece!;( I'm sure after a few days he'll be'll just take a little while to warm up to everything. That's so sweet about AJ holding the door for someone...he is definitely a gentleman!

  2. he said he didn't cry anymore. he was done before mrs. lannan even saw him. he told me he was nervous because he didn't see anyone that he knew. then trey walked in and everything was ok! plus he said he is president of his table. too funny!

  3. Nick looked a little lost in Mrs. Lloyd's class yesterday morning too - brought tears to MY eyes more than his though! He kept asking "Where's Gunnar" b/c I had told him he would be there...last night I asked if Gunnar ever showed up & he said "He was the last one there"....too funny - guess I'll need to check Jenelle's blog on how their first morning of school went ;)
