Tuesday, May 18, 2010


On our recent trip to Chicago we made it to LegoLand.

Of course we went to Chicago mainly to go to the Cubs game but when we found out there was a LegoLand nearby we had to take a trip there! It was quite a trip though! We didn't realize it was 36 miles away from our hotel in downtown Chicago. It is in Schaumberg, IL. We took the L-train for a very long distance and then had to get on a bus to take us to LegoLand. It was quite an experience, one that the boys thought was pretty cool!!

This is them outside the entrance to LegoLand.

These were LEGO replicas of all the HUGE Chicago buildings

AJ and LEGO Hagrid from Harry Potter.
Jake and LEGO Hagrid.

Reece with a LEGO Hippo

More of the LEGO buildings. (for some reason the pics are not in order)

The boys on the small ride inside of LegoLand. It was pretty cool.

AJ with a little LEGO dude

Reece (monkey) with a LEGO monkey in the background.

AJ and Reece with a LEGO Tiger

Me and the boys with the LEGO buildings. Sears Tower is the tallest one. We actually went to Sears Tower on Sunday of our trips. (pics of that later)

Reece with a LEGO Giraffe

Me and the boys with LEGO Indiana Jones

Jake and AJ with LEGO Indiana Jones

Jake and the boys with LEGO Batman

Reece with LEGO R2D2

AJ and Reece with LEGO Darth Vader....notice Reece's shirt :)

This is the ride that we went on. It was basically a sit down ride that took you through a bunch of LEGO creations.

Reece inside of a LEGO Lion's mouth

Reece creating something

This is the boys AFTER shopping, both of them had HUGE LEGO bags! Of course they took their own spending money that they had been saving for a few months. They did get to take a "class" and learn to build a creation and then was able to buy their creation. Of course they got a LEGO of the Sears Tower, among many others!

Waiting on the bus to take us back to the train to take us back to the hotel..... luckily we only had to wait about 20 mins for the bus. When we headed to LegoLand we waited 45 minutes for the bus. I am not a very patient person so having to rely on other transportion besides myself was a little difficult for me. We had a great time but am so glad to be able to hop in my own car and drive anywhere! However, we were NOT going to drive in the Chicago traffic and pay to park everywhere we went!!

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