Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Reece FINALLY lost his first tooth today! It has been loose for a couple weeks but over the past few days it has been very wiggly! After school today he let me pull it! He did just turn 7 so I was wondering when he was going to lose his first tooth.

Meanwhile, AJ is in the process of getting an appliance for his bottom teeth. He has very crooked and crowded bottom teeth. He has had spacers on for a few weeks and then the end of April we go back in and they will place an appliance on the back side of his bottom teeth to hopefully straighten them out.

You can see the metal spacers on the very back molars. The appliance will be attached to the side of the spacers. He will wear this for 1 year with braces to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot how close in age AJ and Natalie are...she will be 10 on the 16th...she also has the same appliance in her mouth, she's had it since 2nd grade. She also had one on top b/c one of her front teeth would not come down b/c there wasn't enough room for it. She has the top one out now but the bottom still in place her bottom teeth are very crowded too and she will have braces and another expander down the road. But it's worth it in the long run! You're AJ is a very handsome boy..you better get a big stick! LOL! Hope his b-day was great!
