First day of school!! 7th grade for AJ and 4th grade for Reece. I sure miss my boys when they are gone to school all day! Plus this year AJ will walk to football practice everyday after school so I don't get to see him until 6:30 each evening! With homework, supper, and showers I will see him less and less :( makes me sad but he is growing up!! Both of the boys are such good kids, God greatly blessed me with all 3 of these boys!

Speaking of growing up, AJ got his braces yesterday! He wears them for 20 months, so most of Jr. High. He is adjusting to them okay. He did have some pain before school this morning so I am hoping he did okay on his first day of school today.

Counting down the days til Christmas Break (lol) Gearing up for a fun but busy fall with football practices, games, plus Jake is going back to school to get his Principal's license! Lots of changes in our household! Hope everyone has a great school year!